28 Apr 2011
How can we grow more food locally? Pam Warhurst of Incredible Edible Todmorden speaks in Bath
Transition Bath recently posted this film of an excellent talk they hosted from an event called ‘How Can We Grow More Food Locally?’ (which had a great poster – see left). The talk was part of a wider series of ‘Transition Talks’, the next one being called ‘Does money make the world go round?’ which features Mark Boyle (‘the Moneyless Man’) and Molly Scott Cato. Here’s the talk…. very inspiring.
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
28 Apr 12:45pm
Over on openIDEO, people have gathered over 600 concepts for better connecting producers and consumers of food… maybe there are some inspiring ideas for the transition movement to be found there, too?
Robert Hopkins
28 Apr 11:44pm
IF every available small piece of land is filled with garden, instead of grassy lawns and asphalt parking spaces, it would be feasible to grow vastly larger quantities of food locally than in the current city context. It is true that I live in a small university city in Florida, so I have some climatic options that are not available in other areas, but my wife and I are using small raised beds of carefully amended soil to grow nearly all of our food on a ssmall development lot, and butterfly plants as well.
If everyone who had any land around their house gardened, and medians in roads were planted with fruit, and people raised their own chickens, the human race might actually survive its own stupidity. With the help of the local farmers, our city of 100,000 people could feed itself, I am sure.
tony Buck
30 Apr 9:53pm
If you’re into inspiring local communities to grow food, as I am, watch all 5 parts of show. Amazing, much thanks to this website and Molly’s generosity.
3 May 12:09pm
Wow! I have been wanting to get my small town in New Zealand to wake up a bit – now I have a feeling that random veges will be turning up around the place, free for the taking! What an inspiration this talk has been. Thank you, from the bottom of my chard. I feel the weight of the peak-oil/climate mess/economic disaster millstone lifting – HOPE!!!!
Margaret Campbell
6 May 3:21pm
Is there any chance we could get hold of this on a dvd to show locally – Pam’s enthusiasm is really infectious.
Melissa Hellwig
25 Jul 8:28pm
I saw Pam at Toronto’s Global Greenbelts conference. She is a force and a voice of our times. Get her on video, make a film, more you tube clips, gigs at the Bioneers conference, etc, etc. She has given me her gift of enthusiasm and I now guerilla garden my heart out. Working for our municipality and all the other traditional consulting and sustainability work I do does not compare. Simply get out there and put food in the ground……What a lady, no frills, no crap, just say and do what needs doing……..