Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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10 Oct 2007

Patrick Holden, Peak Oil, Local Food and Transition.

wiwo An excellent documentary aired on BBC Wales last night, called **Back to the Land**, which was part of a series called ‘Week In, Week Out’. In featured Patrick Holden, the director of the Soil Association, discussing peak oil and the impact that finding out about it had on his life and on how he farms his farm in Wales, as well as looking at the bigger implications of its ramifications for food and farming. It also included interviews with myself and some peak oil deniers, and sets out a strong argument that the transition to life beyond oil could actually bring many benefits to society. You can watch the film here for the next week.

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Tom Atkins
10 Oct 8:00pm

Excellent film! Thanks Rob and Patrick. Great to be able to watch Welsh TV here in Ireland. Shame Patrick gets cut off after 29 minutes on the web stream just after he announces that the supermarkets wouldn’t talk to him because ‘his views are too extreme’!!

20 Oct 7:45pm

Will someone please post a link for this video? Thanks!