Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

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22 May 2009

My conference – Claire from Bristol is thankful . . .

Claire MilneAh, thank goodness for Transition … today has already reminded me why I am so convinced that we can transform this beautiful world we live in. I am so thankful for Jenny’s opening reminder that it is our own personal responsibility to get what we want and need out of this conference … and to be driven by our passion, not a sense of obligation.

We currently live in a society that has disempowered us, made us think we are not able to take control of our lives and bring about joy and happiness for ourselves and our communities. But it really is only us who can do it – and do it we will …

I am also incredibly thankful for the opportunity the age-mapping exercise gave me to realise that there does exist an abundance of elders for me to learn from and be inspired by. My generation needs those elders yet consumerism seems to have pillaged society of them.

Witnessing Ed Milliband answer Peter’s pressing questions about the immense changes we are facing was possibly the only – albeit expected – disappointment. More than ever before it was brought home to me how crippled politicians are when it comes to visioning beyond their term of office.

How fantastic though that a Secretary of State has witnessed the beautiful thing that is Transition … I feel confident that in some way, no matter how small, he will have been inspired to see the imperative to empower people to see beyond their addiction to consumption, and the oil it is based on … to an abundant vibrant life full of connection, meaning and spirit.

Comments are now closed on this site, please visit Rob Hopkins' blog at Transition Network to read new posts and take part in discussions.


Toni Weir
22 May 9:14pm

Yes, I agree Claire, politicians are crippled by their attachment to the status quo. Its fantastic to be able to hear what you think of the conference. I thought this site would be a dead zone for a week but amazingly I still feel connected to what is going on. I have listened to all the podcasts on traydio – brilliant stuff. It was interesting to hear from the founder of Resurgence Magazine. You all sound so professional and organised and to put a politician on as a keynote listener – priceless!

23 May 6:54pm

But will politicians give us back the power before it is too late? I doubt it.

Toni Weir
24 May 4:09am

I agree Pete, I don’t think they will be willing to ‘give back’ power. However, if we participate in the system that is already there, my thought is that the leaders of our ‘organisations’ (in the widest sense of that word) will be the councillors and MPs of the hopefully not too distant future.