Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transition Movie” category

Showing results 21 - 22 of 22 for the category: Transition Movie.

16 Oct 2008

The Transition Movie Blog No.2.

Chris Watson filming for the Transition Movie

Chris Watson filming for the Transition Movie

The documentary filming training course that was running next week has been cancelled due to insufficient response. We’re taking this as a good thing. It means you don’t need any training! Chris and I have spent this week poking around Transitionland for some exciting stories. We’ve found some real crackers. More on these next time. The place where transition was born, Kinsale, is going to feature in the film. Rob Carr from Cultivate has been doing some filming for a 10 part TV series in Ireland and he’s keen to help us out with our film.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: General, Transition Movie

6 Oct 2008

The Transition Movie: an Update from Emma Goude

Chris Watson and Emma Goude, producers of The Transition Movie, out filming in Totnes.

Chris Watson and Emma Goude, producers of The Transition Movie, out filming in Totnes.

I have asked Emma if she might do a regular blog here to keep you up to date with the Transition Movie and how you might get involved… here is her first post:

We’ve had 18 responses to the call for people to get involved with the Transition Movie. Some are professional film makers, some amateurs and some brave souls who’ve never done any filming before. This is a great start. Only 3 people have expressed an interest in the training though. We’re assuming this is because you’re all so experienced.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: General, Transition Movie