Transition Culture has moved
I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.
Come find me at
23 May 2009
John Papworth writes for Fourth World Review and has been railing against all things big for 40 years. . . . he gave me his reflections in pen and ink. John, your handwriting is only slightly more legible than mine so hope I got this right. He asks us to think about the politics of Transition and understand where real power lies. . . . a contentious start here John!
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23 May 2009
It was very sunny and warm, I was hot with the rucsack, laptop and carrier bag. I decided that as Coldharbour Lane was pointing in the right direction to get me to Clapham Common, that I’d get a bus… and as I’d walked for 90 minutes, I was happy with the £2 bus fare to a stop within 4 minutes walk of the Battersea Arts Centre, a huge and imposing building where the Transition Conference was being held . . .
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23 May 2009
The most frustrating thing about being here is not being able to participate in 11 workshops and 33 open space events that are taking place EVERY day. Talk about information overload. I’m totally Transitioned out, and we’re only halfway through. There are over 400 people here, and I want to talk with each and every one of them. It’s inspiring, encouraging, overwhelming and exhausting. Everything all rolled into one and more. A Transition roller coaster of a ride.
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22 May 2009
Ciaran writes: “Well, Audaye promised me several times he would give me his reflections of his first day at the conference. . . . . however after posing for a photo and seemingly busying away writing for the blog, he started drinking beer in preparation for the EDAP session . . . I have not seen him since.
If you see this man wandering around glassy eyed and stumbling along his energy descent then remind him he is a marked man. I know where you live Audaye!
Hey Audaye, you have re-appeared . . . .”
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22 May 2009

Day one kicks off with all of the unusual formalities we have come to expect from T.T. – an exercise involving asking strangers how old they are, Ed Miliband being introduced as a keynote listener, and Sophy setting the scene with her seductive sibilance reminiscent of the woman from the M&S adverts. This is not just a conference…this is a Transition Network conference.
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