Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Transport” category

Showing results 26 - 30 of 50 for the category: Transport.

23 Sep 2008

Transition Glastonbury’s Submission to Mendip District Council’s Future Planning Document

I wrote last week about the submission that Transition Leicester made about eco-towns, today I want to celebrate the excellent piece of work done by Transition Glastonbury in pulling together their response to a report prepared by their local Council setting out plans for the development of the area over the next 20 years.  As with most Council plans, it starts with assuming a graph with a line that rises as it moves towards the right, increased growth, increased investment, increased energy availability.  Transition Glastonbury’s submission asks, what if it doesn’t?  How might this area thrive in uncertain times?  This is a timely post, as tomorrow night in Totnes sees the formal launch of our Energy Descent Pathways process, the creation, in effect, of the town’s Plan B.  Congratulations to Transition Glastonbury for blazing a trail with this so brilliantly.

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14 Jul 2008


We’re back, following some down time due to a collapsed server!  People find a variety of ways to spend their birthdays. Now that you all know that I ended up spending the evening of my recent birthday enduring ‘Sex and the City’ at the cinema, I can now attempt to redeem myself slightly by pointing you to the time I also spent that day with Nancy Durham from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, helping in the making of a short piece for Canadian TV. You can see Nancy’s article and 5 minute film here (follow the link top right corner for the film clip). I think it turned out rather well, and hope that I have, partially at least, attoned for my sins…

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Discussion: Comments Off on TTT on CBC

Categories: Localisation, Transition Initiatives, Transport

29 May 2008

Holiday on the Moon Anyone?

At a time when it is entirely self-evident to anyone who takes an interest in these things that the Age of Cheap Oil is over, that the world is about to enter an unprecedented energy transition and that we are led by people with no idea what to do about it, I was intrigued to be given a clipping from the Daily Star which somehow embodies the depths of denial at work out there in the world. Accompanied by a wonderful, Viz-like image of a spaceman taking a stroll outside a Premier Inn on the lunar surface with the Earth in the background (see left), the article runs as follows. You’re going to enjoy this…

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22 May 2008

“How Are We Doing?”: TTT Takes a Pause to Catch Up With Itself

posterOn Wednesday night, on the same night as the rather wonderful Champions League Final (which some idiot timetabled for the same night.. oops it was me… doh) and on the evening oil began touching $135 a barrel, Transition Town Totnes held an evening called “How Are We Doing?”, an opportunity for TTT to update the community on how it is doing, and on all the range of activities and projects underway, as well as getting feedback. In the event over 100 people came, and the evening was very positive and constructive.

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14 May 2008

You and Yours get the End of the Age of Cheap Oil, Bigtime…


Things seem to be moving so fast these days. About 6 months ago, BBC Radio 4’s consumer affairs programme ‘You and Yours’ ran a piece about Transition Initiatives and peak oil where Jeremy Leggett debated peak oil with a ridiculous guy from, who basically argued that the free market will solve all ills and there is still loads of oil left. The presenters rather laughed off the peak oil discussion as though it was all rather alarmist and silly. How rapidly things have changed. Yesterday’s ‘Call You and Yours’ was devoted to high oil prices and how they are affecting the consumer, and it was powerful stuff (you can hear the programme for the next 6 days here).

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