15 Jul 2011
My thanks to Ed for pulling this list together. Here are all the various videos, photos, workshop write ups and blog posts from the Transition Network conference 2011. We hope that it gives you an idea of what happened and a chance to catch some of the conversations. Our thanks to the workshop attendees who kindly agreed to write things up, people who interviewed each other, and Charlotte Du Cann, Chris Croome, Mike Grenville, and David Wilcox who did a huge amount of recording, reporting, photographing, editing and other journalist-y activities. This is a fantastic record of an amazing event… we hope you enjoy them.
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12 Jul 2011

We had a great few days at Hope University in Liverpool. This will not be an attempt at a complete document of that event, you will find the most comprehensive record over at the Transition Network’s conference feed. What I am going to share, with links to some of the key pieces of media from that feed, is some of the notes of my reflections at the end of the conference. As the event drew to a close, I went around and asked people for their brief reflections on what they saw as the character unique to this conference in comparison to others. Three words came up again and again, deepening, focus and maturity.
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8 Jul 2011

The 'Mapping the Future' event at last year's conference.
It’s that time again. I’m packing my bag and getting ready to head off the Liverpool for the Transition Network conference. It’s going to be fantastic. If you are unable to make it, keep an eye on the Transition Network blog stream for the torrent of blogs and audio files that our social reporting team will be co-ordinating, and there may be a few things on here as well (although for me it tends to be so hectic I rarely get the chance to sit and blog during the actual event). The hashtag for those of you that follow stuff on Twitter is #ttcon2011. If you haven’t been to a Transition conference yet, or you can’t remember last year’s (very unlikely!), have a read of the 2010 conference blog which covered much of the action, watch some of the videos, or look at the photos, visioning exercise artworks, open space sessions and more on our conference archive site. See you next week!
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